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ISOSC 2023 Brings Open Science Dialogue in Golden Autumn, Beijing


The International Symposium on Open Science Clouds 2023 (ISOSC 2023) kicked off on 4 September at the CAS Informatization Plaza. Around 260 participants, including approximately 170 onsite audiences joined this feast of knowledge-sharing in Beijing, China. 

The opening ceremony was co-chaired by Dr. Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA and Prof. Jianhui LI, Vice President of CODATA and Director of CSTCloud Department, CNIC, CAS.

Prof. Barend Mons, President of CODATA, extended a warm welcome to all attendees and expressed his great expectations on ISOSC 2023, emphasizing that this event serves as a valuable opportunity to explore innovative approaches in implementing the UNESCO recommendation on Open Science.

Prof. Qinglin Wang, Counsel (DG-level), Department of International Affairs, Chinese Asscoation for Science and Technology (CAST) and Vice President of CODATA China, spoke highly of the progress achieved since the Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) was firstly proposed in 2019. “Yet many challenges related to open science infrastructures still remain, I believe that all participants will draw inspiration from the best practices shared by others, engage in fruitful discussions, and foster personal networks for future collaborations by leveraging this opportunity to join ISOSC 2023", said Wang.

“Data, as the new element for production, can accelerate the development of new industries and models of the digital economy”, Ms. Ruidan Wang, Deputy Director General of the National Science and Technology Infrastructure Center (NSTI) of Ministry of Science and Technology, valued the importance of data utilization. 

Facing the future development of open science infrastructure, Prof. Ludek Matyska, EGI Council Member and Executive Director of CERIT Scientific Cloud, called for a precise identification of problems and challenges to pave the way for the next generation and advocated for incentivized open science collaboration both within and outside Europe. 

“As the birthplace for Internet in China, we express the warmest welcome for all worldwide ISOSC attendees”, said Prof. Xie Gaogang, Director General of the Computer Network Information Center of CAS. As the local organizer representative, he also highlighted the importance of bridging gaps to co-build the future-led open science infrastructures for the benefit of all community stakeholders. 

ISOSC 2023 is designed to address the latest trends in open-science-cloud policies, governance, technologies, and disciplinary demonstrations through engaging keynote presentations and interactive parallel discussions, all guided by distinguished experts from various domains. Hopefully, it will contribute to co-building open and dynamic platforms for global communities and help foster dynamic collaboration with worldwide stakeholders (Xueting LI, Lili ZHANG, Jiayi HUI). 

ISOSC Group Photo


ISOSC Cultural Event


From: http://english.cnic.cas.cn/nws/events/202309/t20230907_336131.html

More Information about ISOSC 2023 is available at: https://isosc.casconf.cn/