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Open for Registration: International Training Workshop on Open Science Infrastructures for Disaster Management in Mongolia


The Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) will organize an “International Training Workshop on Open Science Infrastructures for Disaster Management” together with the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA ), the Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CNIC, CAS), and the GOSC International Programme Office (GOSC IPO).

This training workshop will be significant to encourage cooperation, alignment, and ultimately open up the ways to access, use, and contribute to data from open science research clouds/platforms/initiatives around the world. The training will focus on open science and data aimed at building resilient open science infrastructures to support disaster management. Capacity building will focus on hazard data management and timely analysis to reduce disaster risks and support decision-making.

Invited speakers will involve local professionals and international experts in disaster risk reduction and e-infrastructure technicians, such as speakers from CODATA IDPC, GOSC Initiative (CNIC CSTCloud team), Nanjing University, IAP CAS, and IGSR CAS. This workshop will be a significant step towards expanding disaster research and development, contributing to a reduction in the damage and harms caused by crises, inspiring a new wave of research and development in this critical field.

International Training Workshop on Open Science Infrastructures for Disaster Management will be held on 14-15 November 2024 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, with both onsite and online participation options available.

Online venue (registration):

ZOOM Meeting https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctf-CvrjsqGdZJpPKpLiS3pn0J2uplH5Gw

Onsite venue: Amar event hall, Amar hotel, Peace Avenue, BZD - 13 khoroo, Ulaanbaatar 13330, Mongolia.

For more information, please visit to website at https://mas.ac.mn/