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A third discussion on open data methods, metrics, and management - AI governance on open data quality


On December 30, another open data methods, metrics, and management workshop was held in the CAS Informatization buildingThis meeting, supported by CNIC, particularly an NSFC youth program (No. 72104229), brings together a panel of experts from several universities and CAS domain data centers.


Professor Lai from Peking University chaired the session, with discussions highlighting management and technical concerns on AI-driven data governance. Constructive dialogues involve topics on data element research in health domains, AI models for improved data quality, GOSC alignment for international data governance, domain practices in data centers, and other AI policies and technologies centered on data quality control. The experts reached a consensus about upcoming collaboration on bridging the gaps between top-level designs, down-to-earth demonstrations, and further research to date. (Jiayi Hui, Lili Zhang)



Available from: http://english.cnic.cas.cn/nws/events/202412/t20241231_896292.html