Introduction to EVCloud
EVCloud is a lightweight service platform for cloud host management and is free to the Chinese
Academy of Sciences research community currently. Based on QEMU-KVM, Libvirt, and CEPH
implementation, EVCloud features user-friendliness and stability. It takes you only a few steps
to create and run a cloud host. Similar to local computer management, you can easily restart,
shut down, and delete objects within your EVCloud environment through the EVCloud management
interface. The HTTP protocol and RESTFul API are also available. Other services include cloud
host snapshot backup, rollbacking of any historical state, and provision of a virtual network
console on the cloud host website.
Use scenarios
Three typical use scenarios include computing cloud host services with high demand for CPU,
memory, and other resources; massive data storage services with on-demand storage capacity
extension; high computing GPUs demands with flexibility.
EVcloud can help reduce the investments for traditional hardware as well as minimizing the manual
costs for e-infrastructure operation and maintenance.
EVcloud can help reduce the investments for traditional hardware as well as minimizing the manual
costs for e-infrastructure operation and maintenance.
Contact us
Anyone interested in the EVCloud services, please turn to
for details.